
Better information flow and work management in repair work

"The Workinfo.app has improved work management - all information and functions are in one place. Communication about the work to be done and how it is progressing has become easier. Workinfo.app has also improved reporting and statistics."

TA-Yhtiöt owns around 20,000 housing rights and rental apartments in Finland. The company offers housing solutions nationwide, from cities to urban areas and from family homes to smaller apartments. In 2021, TA-Yhtiöt launched a renovation unit responsible for renovating Helsinki’s apartments. In addition to renovation work, its activities include electrical and plumbing work.

“A couple of years ago, we started looking for a work management system for the renovation unit and explored different options. Among these, we chose the Workinfo.app. A big part of the selection criteria was ease of use – the system was simple to use but had enough features for our needs,” says Teemu Englund, Maintenance Manager. 

Around 100 people in the repair unit use the Workinfo.app to record and track work. Users include both the employees in the repair department and the property managers, who use the various basic features of Workinfo.app and the functions enabled by the Repormark add-on software in their daily work.

“The Workinfo.app has improved work management – all information and functions are in one place. Communication about the work to be done and how it is progressing has become easier. Workinfo.app has also improved reporting and statistics,” says Englund.


Easy-to-use app improves communication and work recording 

Englund points out that a clear advantage for employees is the application’s ease of use. Employees use the app, and it’s easy to log information on their phones at work. 

Englund has been involved in bringing in suggestions for improvements to the functionality and praises how well the Workinfo.app has responded to their wishes.

“The development of the features in Workinfo.app has, among other things, clarified our reporting and helped our supervisors to get a better overview of the situation on the sites.”

Ota yhteyttä

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