Working time tracking

No more paper timesheets - the application makes it easy for employees to mark working hours, and the monitoring of completed work is more efficient. You can quickly see how much time has been spent on which project, as well as the number of working hours per employee or accumulated overtime hours.

Working time tracking

Make working time tracking simple and easy

With, you can easily monitor statutory working hours. With it, you ensure the work time accounting is correct and prevent disagreements about the hours worked. Precise working time monitoring helps to improve your company’s productivity and manage the working time used better.

You can always see the employees’ working hours, accrued overtime, and completed tasks in real-time, and you can coordinate the workload of projects or work sites. When entries are made immediately on a mobile device, all classes will be marked correctly. The data can also be easily transferred to customer invoicing.

Digital working time monitoring makes salary payments smoother when work and vacations are entered into the software, from which the information can be shared with the payroll accountant. In addition to working hours, the employee can quickly enter expenses and kilometers in the application, deviations from working hours, absences or overtime hours, and vacation requests.

Make working time tracking simple and easy

Fluency and accuracy in recording and monitoring working hours

With the, employees can make time registrations smoothly during work from the field or the office. The program has different methods for recording hours, which can be used according to the need and the way the company operates. Entries can be made manually at the end of the day or actively while the work progresses. You can also use GPS tracking and QR codes to record and track working hours.

Pictures of, for example, work steps performed can also be attached to the entry. Saving images from, for example, construction sites and renovation sites helps to document the work done for later review.

Working time tracking with the reduces errors, uncertainty, and the work caused by working time tracking – you always know in real-time how the work is progressing quickly with one glance.

Fluency and accuracy in recording and monitoring working hours

Benefits for your company

Make tracking and logging hours worked effortless.
All data is stored in digital format - no more paper forms.
It makes it easier to monitor and manage the work of your employees.
You can quickly compile reports on hours worked.
Are you interested in finding out more?

Try the software for free

See for yourself the benefits of the software. You can use the software in organizations of all sizes for free for 30 days. For small businesses, the software is free. There are no start-up fees, no hidden costs, no time limit. You can start using it immediately with no commitment.

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Working time tracking
Working time tracking