Expense tracker

With the application, the recording and processing of expenses is handled conveniently right up to accounting. You can process the costs without unnecessary intermediaries, and you can be sure that all the organization's fees are recorded correctly. Recording expenses for the employee is effortless during work leave, and costs are always visible in real-time in the administration.

Expense tracker

Accuracy in financial management

Projects quickly generate costs, and work sites use different products from our stock. allows you to save receipts on your mobile phone immediately and assign them to a specific customer or project. This way, the receipts are aligned correctly in the systems and accounting.

Employees can conveniently collect the receipts for various expenses through the application during work leave. Hotel receipts and train tickets or other receipts needed for travel invoices can be saved as a PDF file or screenshot immediately. Used products can also be recorded easily using, for example, a barcode.

You don’t need to send the vouchers to a supervisor or accountant individually, but everything is handled through the system, from the field to accounting. When an employee makes an expense entry, the supervisor can process it at the end of the control panel. The application also shows the employee whether the expense has been approved, rejected, or paid.

Accuracy in financial management
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See for yourself the benefits of the software. You can use the software in organizations of all sizes for free for 30 days. For small businesses, the software is free. There are no start-up fees, no hidden costs, no time limit. You can start using it immediately with no commitment.

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Expense tracker
Expense tracker